In daily life, we make countless decisions without even realizing the factors that influence them. Unconscious biases, shaped by our experiences, culture, and education, affect the way we perceive the world and interact with others. In a professional context, these biases can undermine fairness, hinder inclusion, and limit innovation within teams and organizations. Have you ever wondered why we tend to trust certain people more than others? Or why some decisions seem "obvious," while others require more effort? Unconscious bias is present in these moments, subtly guiding our choices, but often with a significant impact on interpersonal relationships, productivity, and even talent retention.
This course is an invitation to look beyond the obvious and understand how unconscious biases affect the workplace and our daily lives. We will explore the different types of biases, the impacts they generate, and, most importantly, strategies to recognize and minimize them. Through both theoretical and practical components, we will develop a greater awareness of our own decision-making process, fostering a more fair, inclusive, and innovative environment. These biases subtly guide choices, often having a significant impact on interpersonal relationships, productivity, and even talent retention.
What we’ll talk about
Session 1: Understanding Unconscious Bias
1. What is Unconscious Bias?
a. Definition and characteristics
b. How the brain processes information and the role of unconscious bias.
c. Can unconscious biases be useful?
2. Common Types of Bias in the Workplace
a. Halo Effect
b. Affinity bias
c. Group effect and conformity bias
d. Perception bias and stereotype bias
e. Confirmation bias
f. Authority bias
g. Age bias
3. Practical Component: Applied Social Experience
Session 2: The Impact of Unconscious Bias in the Workplace
1. The formation of biases
a. Influence of education
b. Personal experiences
c. Culture and social norms
d. The role of the media
2. Impact on the Workplace
a. Degradation of the professional environment
b. Increase in interpersonal conflicts
c. Influence on decision-making
1. Recruitment and selection
2. Performance evaluation
3. Task distribution
4. Career development and progression
d. Legal conflicts: harassment and discrimination
e. Turnover and talent loss
f. Reduction of creativity and innovation
3. Component Practice: Applied Social Experience
Session 3: Strategies to Combat Unconscious Bias
1. Development of Self-Awareness
a. Exercises to identify individual biases
2. Organizational Best Practices
a. Policies of diversity and inclusion
b. Inclusive language and conscious communication
c. Creation of group reflection moments
d. Continuous training for employees and leaders
3. Proactive Individual Stance
a. How to challenge and question biases in everyday life
b. Strategies for Making Impartial Decisions
c. Building a more equitable and innovative environment
4. Evaluation and Monitoring
a. Methods to monitor the organizational environment
b. Identification and mitigation of psychosocial risks
c. Progress indicators and best practices
5. Component Practice: Applied Social Experience